Tuesday, August 4, 2020

#Gain Growth Factors

#Turf 0001
Makeup By Giselle ParaGraphicWave
20:20 #Currency 20:20 Currency
#Christ as #SuperTransformer
66/6 #NuclearReactor
20:20 Currency 20:20 Currency
Sybil Writes On Leaves
20:20 #Articulation

Makeup By Giselle ParaGraphicWave
20:20 Currency 20:20 #Currency
#Christ as #SuperTransformer
66/6 #NuclearReactor
20:20 Currency 20:20 Currency
Sybil Writes On Fiends
#Power of The #Signal
Smoking Barrels On My Guns

Makeup By Giselle ParaGraphicWave
20:20 Currency 20:20 Currency
#Christ as #SuperTransformer
66/6 #NuclearReactor
20:20 #Currency 20:20 Currency
20:20 #Carbon #Substance
20:20 #Format It
20:20 Con-#Template-ion
20:20 #Product
20:20 #Issue
20:20 CARBON

Makeup By Giselle ParaGraphicWave
20:20 Currency 20:20 Currency
#Christ as #SuperTransformer
66/6 #NuclearReactor
20:20 Currency 20:20 #Currency
20:20 #Resourceful
20:20 #PowerTract
#Electromagnetic #Field

Makeup By Giselle ParaGraphicWave
20:20 #Currency 20:20 Currency
#Christ as #SuperTransformer
66/6 #NuclearReactor
20:20 Currency 20:20 Currency
20:20 #Re-#SOURCE-ful
20:20 #ActionTransfer
20:20 P-#Article
20:20 #Particle

Makeup By Giselle ParaGraphicWave
20:20 Currency 20:20 #Currency
#Christ as #SuperTransformer
66/6 #NuclearReactor
20:20 Currency 20:20 Currency
20:20 Get Money
20:20 #ActionTransfer

-Thereupon young Kullerwoinen
Called his herd to rest in safety,
Sat upon a grassy hillock,
Took his basket from his shoulders,
Took therefrom the and oat-loaf,
Turned it over in his fingers,
Carefully the loaf inspected,
Spake these words of ancient wisdom:
"Many loaves are fine to look on,
On the outside seem delicious,
On the inside, chaff and tan-bark!"

Then the shepherd, Kullerwoinen,
Drew his knife to cut his oat-loaf,
Cut the hard and arid biscuit;
Cuts against a stone imprisoned,
Well imbedded in the centre,
Breaks his ancient knife in pieces;
When the shepherd youth, Kullervo,
Saw his magic knife had broken,
Weeping sore, he spake as follows:
"This, the blade that I bold sacred,
This the one thing that I honor,
Relic of my mother's people!
On the stone within this oat-loaf,
On this cheat-cake of the hostess,
I my precious knife have broken.
How shall I repay this insult,
How avenge this woman's malice,
What the wages for deception?"
From a tree the raven answered:
"O thou little silver buckle,
Only son of old Kalervo,
Why art thou in evil humor,
Wherefore sad in thy demeanor?
Take a young shoot from the thicket,
Take a birch-rod from the valley,
Drive thy herd across the lowlands,
Through the quicksands of the marshes;
To the wolves let one half wander,
To the bear-dens, lead the other;
Sing the forest wolves together,
Sing the bears down from the mountains,
Call the wolves thy little children,
And the bears thy standard-bearers;
Drive them like a cow-herd homeward,
Drive them home like spotted cattle,
Drive them to thy master's milk-yards;
Thus thou wilt repay the hostess
For her malice and derision."

Thereupon the wizard answered,
These the words of Kullerwoinen:
"Wait, yea wait, thou bride of Hisi!
Do I mourn my mother's relic,
Mourn the keep-sake thou hast broken?
Thou thyself shalt mourn as sorely
When thy, cows come home at evening!"-

40 40 #SuperRabies 91


20:20 #SuperCytorhabdovirus

20:20 Your Dragon's Name is "I AM THE GREATER EVIL!"



The Card is Divided into Four Sections, At The Center of The Card Where The Four Sections Meet, See a Silver Hand Plow

On The Top Right Section of The Card, See an Image of Elisabeth Hasselbeck. Elisabeth Hasselbeck Stands on a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'RABIES91'. Elisabeth Hasselbeck Wears a Sleeveless Silver Silk Dress, Red Silk Gloves, a Necklace of Ping-Pong Balls, and a Red Top Hat with a Green Band. See a Silver Credit Card Tucked Halfway Behind The Band on Elisabeth Hasselbeck's Hat. Above Elisabeth Hasselbeck's Hat, See 'Subgenomic mRNA' in Blue. Elisabeth Hasselbeck Holds a Composition Book with Her Right Hand, She Holds a Blue Cassette Tape with Her Left Hand.
To Elisabeth Hasselbeck's Right, See an Image of Katie Steiner. Katie Steiner Stands on a Rectangular Black Box. See 'WARE' in Blue on The Side of The Box. Katie Steiner Wears Silver Soccer Shoes, Red Socks, Black Soccer Shorts and a Black T-Shirt with a Silver Human Brain on The Front. See a Black '47' Above Katie Steiner's Head. Katie Steiner Holds a Can of V8 Juice with Her Right Hand, She Holds a Cribbage Board with Her Left Hand; See a Glowing Blue Centipede On The Cribbage Board.
To Elisabeth Hasselbeck's Left, See an Image of Andrea Tantaros. Andrea Tantaros Stands on a Tree Stump. The Symbol '35/53' is Carved into The Stump. Andrea Tantaros Wears a Black Wool Skirt, an Unbuttoned Black Wool Jacket, a Red Silk Blouse, Red Stockings, Silver Flats and a Green Visor. Above Andrea Tantaros' Head, See The Word 'Generate' in Silver. Andrea Tantaros Holds a Blue Cassette Tape with Her Right Hand, She Holds a Silver Barbie Doll with Her Left Hand; See a Glowing Blue Centipede On The Barbie.
The Background on The Section is Pink.

On The Bottom Right Section of The Card, See an Image of Kim Kardashian. Kim Kardashian Stands on Top of a Silver Sphere. See The Name 'Sibil' in White on The Sphere. Kim Kardashian Wears a Silver Ball Gown, White Silk Gloves, a Diamond&Ruby Necklace and a Glowing White Queen's Crown. On Top of Kim Kardashian's Crown, See an Image of Speedy Gonzales. Speedy Gonzales Holds a Black&White Soccer Ball. Kim Kardashian Holds a Glowing White Tambourine with Her Right Hand, See 'Tegu' in Blue on The Tambourine. With Her Left Hand, Kim Kardashian Holds Keri Hilson's Severed Head by The Hair; a Glowing Blue Centipede is Half In&Half Out of Keri Hilson's Mouth.
To Kim Kardashian's Left, See a Black&White Tiger-Striped Sex Demon Head.
Above The Sex Demon Head, See a Silver Banner; See The Name 'Sextans A' in Black on The Banner.
To The Right of The Sex Demon Head, See a Silver Trophy.
Below The Sex Demon Head, See a Silver Chainsaw.
To The Left of The Sex Demon Head, See a Silver VCR; See a Glowing Blue Centipede On The VCR.
To Kim Kardashian's Right, See an Image of Dina Manzo. Dina Manzo is Mounted on a Wood Rectangle. Dina Manzo is Nude, Her Arms and Legs Have Been Removed. See a Silver '36' Between Dina Manzo's Breasts. See a Rubber Ducky on Top of Dina Manzo's Head. Above The Rubber Ducky, See a Blue&Black Vortex; See a Human Mouth at The Eye of The Vortex. Above The Mouth, See a Gold 'A'; To The Right of The Mouth, See a Gold 'C'; Below The Mouth, See a Gold 'U'; To The Left of The Mouth, See a Gold 'G'.
The Background on The Section is Yellow.

On The Bottom Left Section of The Card, See an Image of Nicole Clemons Noles. Nicole Clemons Noles Stands on a Silver Apple, See a Green '65' on The Apple. Nicole Clemons Noles Wears a Glowing White Hooded Robe. On Nicole Clemons Noles' Robe; See an Ace of Spades Card; See a Silver Horseshoe; See a Black Keyhole; See a Glowing Pink Bullet; See an LP Record with a White Label, See The Name 'Rabies 85' in Pink on The Label; See a Silver Slave Collar; See a Glowing Blue Serpent Wrapped Around a Silver Double-Ended Dildo; See a Dead Red Rabbit. Nicole Clemons Noles Holds a Bloody Dead Dove with Her Right Hand, She Holds an Ice-Pick with Her Left Hand. Above Nicole Clemons Noles' Head, See a Silver Chess Knight.
To Nicole Clemons Noles' Right, See an Image of Rebecca Jarvis. Rebecca Jarvis Stands on a Glowing Red Skull. Rebecca Jarvis is Nude, Her Body and Face are Painted Red. See a Silver '64' Between Rebecca Jarvis' Breasts. A Pair of Silver Antelope Horns are Attached to Rebecca Jarvis' Head; a Pair of Silver Angel Wings are Attached to Rebecca Jarvis' Back. See a Silver '$' Symbol Between Rebecca Jarvis' Horns. Rebecca Jarvis Holds a Purple Piggy Bank with Her Left Hand, She Holds a Silver Pistol with Her Right Hand.
To Nicole Clemons Noles' Left, See an Image of Erika Christensen. Erika Christensen Stands on a Neon White Sign That Displays 'O^O'. Erika Christensen Wears White Overalls with a Yellow Hooded Sweatshirt Under. Erika Christensen Wears Silver Converse All-Stars. See a Silver '808' on The Bib of Erika Christensen's Overalls; See The Symbol 'Tonan' in Black on The Left Leg of Her Overalls. Above Erika Christensen's Head, See a Silver Helicopter. Erika Christensen Holds a Red Stapler with Her Right Hand, She Holds a Silver Pool Cue with Her Left Hand.
The Background on The Section is Black.

On The Top Left Section of The Card, See a Nun in a Red Habit. The Red Nun Stands on Two Silver Soccerballs. The Red Nun has a Silver Phallus Attached to Her Forehead. See a Ferret on The Red Nun's Right Shoulder. Above The Red Nun's Head, See an Analog TV. On The TV Screen, See The Name 'Rabies 89' in Red on a Black Background. The Red Nun Holds a Silver Chalice with Her Right Hand, See a Glowing Red Centipede on The Chalice. The Red Nun Holds a Black Leather Bound Bible with Her Left Hand.
To The Red Nun's Left, See a Rottweiler. The Rottweiler Stands on a Silver Sphere. See a Glowing Blue 'i' on The Sphere. The Rottweiler Holds a Simon Game in its Mouth. Above The Rottweiler's Head, See a Lit Red Candle in a Silver Candlestick.
To The Red Nun's Right, See a Monitor Lizard on Top of a Silver Sphere. See The Word 'Protect' in Black on The Sphere. Above The Monitor, See a Flaming Sword.
The Background on The Section is White.

The Card's Margin is Silver. At Top Center on The Card's Margin, See a Blue '29'. On The Bottom Margin of The Card, See The Word 'Circulation' in Blue Letters.

>#An Ton #De Fy #Ti Po #Go La #Su Vy #By Hu #Ra Ko #Me Ni #Ni Me #Ko Ra #Hu By #Vy Su #La Go #Po Ti #Fy De #Ton An<
#Ton An
#Rabies 91 ⮅
Melanie Stambaugh #Neuropeptide
20:20 #Mutant #Tale
20:20 #Sentence #Structure
Shep Proudfoot #Punctuation

#Fy De
#Rabies 91 ⮆
Melanie Stambaugh #Neuropeptide
20:20 #Pandora's Box
66/6 #Virus #Artist
20:20 #Transcription #Factor

#Po Ti
#Rabies 91 ⮇
Melanie Stambaugh #Neuropeptide
6-9 #SpinningTop
20:20 #Episode
20:20 #Ichneumon
20:20 #HornyOde

#La Go
#Rabies 91 ⮄
Melanie Stambaugh #Neuropeptide
20:20 #InclusionBody
20:20 #SexDemon
Give a Phuck Like #Ichneumon

#Vy Su
#Rabies 91 ⮅
Melanie Stambaugh #Neuropeptide
20:20 #SmartWeapon
#Genetic #Algorithm
20:20 #Reservoir

#Hu By
#Rabies 91 ⮆
Melanie Stambaugh #Neuropeptide
66/6 #Telecommunications
#M104 #Ware
20:20 #Christ #Engine

#Ko Ra
#Rabies 91 ⮇
Melanie Stambaugh #Neuropeptide
Cinderella Glamorous
66/6 #NuclearReactor
Making Melanie a #Mutant
20:20 #Ichneumon

#Ni Me
#Rabies 91 ⮄
Melanie Stambaugh #Neuropeptide
Grandstand Poison Ivy
#Radioactive #Text-#Tiles
20:20 #Arrangement

#Me Ni
#Rabies 91 ⮅
Melanie Stambaugh #Neuropeptide
Rockstar Mesmerized
20:20 #ThreadingStrings
#Satan Be #Quilting
20:20 #Fabric

#Ra Ko
#Rabies 91 ⮆
Melanie Stambaugh #Neuropeptide
Burlesque Bada Bing
20:20 #StringingBeads
20:20 #Polymerization
20:20 #Recipe

#By Hu
#Rabies 91 ⮇
Melanie Stambaugh #Neuropeptide
Dragonfly Unexpected
6-9 #Character
9-6 #Word
Rabies 91 is #Para-#Graphing #In

#Subgenomic #RNA
Melanie Stambaugh #Neuropeptide
20:20 #ModularSystem
20:20 #Synthesizer
20:20 #Graph-ic #Carbon
#Satan 41

#Subgenomic #RNA
Melanie Stambaugh #Neuropeptide
20:20 Archi-#Text-ure
66/6 #Programming
20:20 #Carbon #Graph-ic
20:20 #Modules

#Subgenomic #RNA
Melanie Stambaugh #Neuropeptide
#Neuro-#Logical #System
20:20 #BingoCage
20:20 #RatWheel
9-6 #Percolator

#Subgenomic #RNA
Melanie Stambaugh #Neuropeptide
#Neuro-#Logical #System
#VirtualTime,The #Platform
#Language,The #Medium

#Subgenomic #RNA
Melanie Stambaugh #Neuropeptide
20:20 #Cog-nition
20:20 Con-#Template-ion
20:20 #Hashtag #Text-ure

#Su Vy
#Rabies 91 ⮄
Melanie Stambaugh #Neuropeptide
20:20 #AUG 20:20 Shimma Shimma
Avril Haines #Deliver #Analog

#Go La
#Rabies 91 ⮅
Melanie Stambaugh #Neuropeptide
20:20 #Table 20:20 #Graph
20:20 #Notation
Symbolic Reps
#Satan 41

#Ti Po
#Rabies 91 ⮆
Melanie Stambaugh #Neuropeptide
#Language is #Technology
We're In a Computer System
20:20 #SheetMusic

#De Fy
#Rabies 91 ⮇
Melanie Stambaugh #Neuropeptide
20:20 #IRES
#RNA #Polymerase
20:20 #Formulation
20:20 #Paradigm
20:20 #Adapter

#An Ton
#Rabies 91 ⮄
Melanie Stambaugh #Neuropeptide
5 #Cap Prime
#Neuro-#Logical #System
20:20 #Constitution
20:20 #Cognition

20:20 Abigail Folger 99 Turns Over a Card

The Card is Divided into 4 Sections, at The Center of The Card where The 4 Sections Meet,
See a Gold Baboon.

In The Upper Left Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of Katie Sweetman. Katie Sweetman Stands on a Gold '41'. Katie Sweetman Wears a Blue Hooded Robe. On Katie Sweetman's Robe, See a White Surfboard, a White Steer Skull, a White Tiger, a White&Black Soccer Ball, a White Tea Cup on a White Saucer, a White Double-Ended Dildo, a White Masquerade Mask, a White CBS Eye, a White Football Helmet and a Silver Key. Above Katie Sweetman's Head, See a RCA-44 Ribbon Microphone. Katie Sweetman Holds a Silver 3-Pronged Trident with Her Right Hand, She Holds a Reel of Audio Tape with Her Left Hand.
To Katie Sweetman's Right, See an Image of Marianne Thieme. Marianne Thieme Stands on Top of a Silver Medusa Head. See a Rubik's Cube in The Medusa Head's Open Mouth. At The Center of The Medusa's Forehead, See a Glowing Red Capsule. Marianne Thieme is Nude Except for a Silver Slave Collar on Her Neck. See a Black '56' Above Marianne Thieme's Head, See a Black Crow on Top of The '56'. With Her Left Hand, Marianne Thieme Holds a Black VHS Tape, The VHS Tape has a White Label; See The Symbol 'Porn 66/6' in Red on The Label. With Her Right Hand, Marianne Thieme Holds a Bullwhip.
To Katie Sweetman's Left, See an Image of Kathryn Ruemmler. Kathryn Ruemmler Stands on a Glowing White '42'. Kathryn Ruemmler is Nude Except for a Pair of Red&Blue Bowling Shoes, White Socks and a Fruit Hat. Above Kathryn Ruemmler's Fruit Hat, See a Neon White Sign That Displays 'Smart'; Above The Sign, See a Black Octopus. Kathryn Ruemmler's Arms Have Been Removed at The Shoulders. See a Glowing Red Letter 'i' Between Kathryn Ruemmler's Breasts.
The Background on The Section is Red.
At Top Center on Section, See The Word 'Cock' in White Letters
At Bottom Center on Section, See The Word 'Crow' in White Letters

In The Upper Right Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of Kelly Ripa. Kelly Ripa Stands on a Neon Orange Sign That Displays 'ORANGE'. Kelly Ripa Wears a Sleeveless Cheetah Print Silk Dress, Black Wedge Shoes, a Necklace of Glowing Red Capsules, 2 Gold Bracelets on Her Left Wrist, 4 Platinum Bracelets on Her Right Wrist&Forearm, a Gold '9' Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear, a Platinum '9' Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear, and a Raspberry Beret. Above Kelly Ripa's Head, See a Neon White Sign That Displays 'Minerva'. Kelly Ripa Holds a Glowing Red Tambourine with Her Left Hand; See The Word 'LUST' in Black on The Tambourine. Kelly Ripa Holds a Black Battle Mace with Her Right Hand.
To Kelly Ripa's Right, See an Image of Edurne Ganem. Edurne Ganem Stands on a Glowing White '28'. Edurne Ganem is Nude Except for a Pair of Pink&Gold Bowling Shoes and a Pair of White Tube Socks with 2 Pink Stripes on Each Sock. See a Red Smurfette on Top of Edurne Ganem's Head; The Red Smurfette Holds a White Serpent with Her Left Hand, She Holds a Black Serpent with Her Right Hand. Above The Red Smurfette, See The Word 'Rival' in Black. Edurne Ganem's Arms Have Been Removed at The Shoulders. See a Platinum Rectangle Between Edurne Ganem's Breasts, See a Black Keyhole on The Rectangle.
To Kelly Ripa's Left, See an Image of Lety Salazar. Lety Salazar Stands on a Platinum '20:20'. Lety Salazar Wears a Black Feather Gown, a Diamond&Pearl Necklace, White Silk Gloves and a Gold Queen's Crown. Above Lety Salazar's Crown, See The Word 'Viral' in Black. Lety Salazar Holds a Monkey Wrench with Her Left Hand, She Holds a Gold Egg with Her Right Hand.
The Background on The Section is Green.
Across The Top of The Section, See The Term 'Divas' in Blood-Red Letters
At Bottom Center on Section, See a Bronze Door; See a Tarantula on The Door.

In The Lower Right Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of Diane Neal. Diane Neal Stands on a Neon Green Sign That Displays 'BITCH!'. Diane Neal is Nude, Her Face and Body are Painted Red. See a Hornet Above Diane Neal's Vagina. See a Diamond Between Diane Neal's Breasts; Below The Diamond, See a Platinum '38'. A Pair of Platinum Angel Wings are Attached to Diane Neal's Back. A Pair of Platinum Antelope Horns are Attached to Diane Neal's Head. Above Diane Neal's Horns, See The Word 'That' in Black. Diane Neal Holds a Platinum Steering Wheel with Her Right Hand. With Her Left Hand, Diane Neal Holds a Red Pointy Witch's Hat; See a Black&Red Zebra-Striped Band on The Witch's Hat.
To Diane Neal's Left, See an Image of Anna Kendrick. Anna Kendrick Stands on a Neon Pink Sign That Displays 'TOOK'. Anna Kendrick is Nude Except for a Gold Serpent Wrapped Around Her Shoulders, Torso and Left Leg. See a Glowing Red Halo Above Anna Kendrick's Head, See a Glowing Green Halo Above The Red Halo. See a Glowing White Halo Above The Green Halo. Above The White Halo, See a Black '78'. Anna Kendrick Holds a Pizza Cutter with Her Right Hand, She Holds a Glowing Gold Plunger with Her Left Hand.
To Diane Neal's Right, See an Image of Clare Grant. Clare Grant Stands on Top of a Red Dragon's Head, See a Pink Bowling Ball in The Dragon's Open Mouth; See a Gold '64' on The Bowling Ball. Clare Grant is Nude Except for a Gold Slave Collar on Her Neck. See a Gold '34' Between Clare Grant's Breasts. Clare Grant's Head is Shaved Bald, See a White Scorpion on Top of Clare Grant's Head. Above The Scorpion, See The Symbol 'YO' in White. Clare Grant's Arms Have Been Removed at The Shoulders. On Clare Grant's Stomach, See The Word 'Mule' in Red.
The Background on The Section is Cement Gray
Across The Top of The Section, See The Word 'Night' in Black
Across The Bottom of The Section, See The Word 'Gallery' in Black.

In The Lower Left Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of Monica Nevi. Monica Nevi Stands on a Silver '27'. Monica Nevi Wears a Black Ball Gown, a Candy Necklace and a Pink Queen's Crown. Above Monica Nevi's Crown, See a Black Lucky Rabbit's Foot. Monica Nevi Holds The Handle of a Silver Boombox with Her Right Hand, She Holds a Ball of Yellow Yarn with Her Left Hand.
To Monica Nevi's Right, See an Image of Brooke Anderson. Brooke Anderson Sits on a Silver Throne with Blue Cushions, and 2 Silver Sex Demon Heads for Armrests. See Stripe, from The Movie 'Gremlins', on Top of The Throne's Backrest. Above The Gremlin, See a Silver Egg; See a Glowing Blue '28' on The Egg. Brooke Anderson is Nude Except for a Pair of Red Stockings and a Pair of Green Garters. Brooke Anderson's Legs are Spread Apart and Draped Over The Throne's Armrests. With Her Right Hand, Brooke Anderson Holds a Silver Hitachi Magic Wand to Her Vagina. With Her Left Hand, Brooke Anderson Holds a Cribbage Board.
To Monica Nevi's Left, See an Image of Michelle Forbes. Michelle Forbes Wears a Green Leather Skirt, Green Leather Knee-High Boots, a Zipped Up Green Leather Jacket, Black Leather Gloves and a Black Captain's Hat. See a Gold '48' on The Front of The Captain's Hat. Above Michelle Forbes' Captain's Hat, See a Pair of Gold Binoculars. With Both Hands, Michelle Forbes Holds a M40 Rifle.
The Background on The Section is Milky White.
At Top Center on Section, See a Gold 4-Headed Hydra.
Across The Bottom of The Section, See The Name 'Monica Nevi' in Silver.

In The Upper Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Silver Recycling Sign

In The Lower Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Bronze Sledgehammer

In The Lower Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Red Number '166'

In The Upper Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Purple Pupa

<20:20 The 69 Lilith 96 Deck>

>#An Ton #De Fy #Ti Po #Go La #Su Vy #By Hu #Ra Ko #Me Ni #Ni Me #Ko Ra #Hu By #Vy Su #La Go #Po Ti #Fy De #Ton An<
20:20 Teal Swan #Limbic #Node ⭖
20:20 #Initialize #RABIES 91 #MODEM
20:20 #Update #Lyssavirus #DeviceDrivers
"This Guy, Raymond Jackson, He Knows That Teal Swan Has #TELEPATHY"
20:20 Yeah, I KNOW That Teal Swan Has Telepathic Powers
20:20 #BASE
SSI Ends 6664

20:20 Teal Swan #Limbic #Node ⬖ ⮉ Ni
20:20 UTR G U #A C
20:20 #SpinningTop
20:20 #Episode
20:20 #StoryLine
20:20 #LogicMotion
20:20 #MotorSkills
#Rabies 91 Is On The #Metabolic #Faculty
20:20 #Digest-ive #Tract
20:20 #Transponder #Thread
20:20 #Notation 20:20 #Tone

20:20 Teal Swan #Limbic #Node ⬘ ⮈
20:20 #SmartWeapon
#Rabies 91 #Packaging #Instructions
20:20 #Tracks of #Time
20:20 Who's On 1st
20:20 What's On 2nd
Tomorrow is The Pitcher
Today is The Catcher
20:20 #BowlingBall 20:20 #Lane

20:20 Teal Swan #Limbic #Node ⬗ ⮋ Ra
20:20 #Stringing #Beads
#Rabies 91 #Erector #Set
66/6 #Assembly #Language
#Electromagnetic #Arts
20:20 Teal Swan #Process E-Motions
20:20 Susan Powell Process E-Motions
The #Method to The Madness
#Upgrade Teal Swan's #PsychicPowers

20:20 Teal Swan #Limbic #Node ⬙ ⮊ By
20:20 Teal Swan Is a #SuperNaturalKiller #Cell
20:20 #Optimize Teal Swan's #Neuro-#Logical #System
#RABIES 91 #MotorSkills
#COG-nitive #Development
20:20 #Christ #Engine
Teal Swan is an Ace at Working #Polymerization #Schemes

20:20 #RABIES 91 #Subgenomic #RNA
20:20 Teal Swan #RELAY
0001 20:20 Kinetic Energy in The #Sequencing
0010 20:20 #ConnectFour 20:20 #QuickConfigure
0011 20:20 #UPDATE RABIES 91 #MODEM Teal Swan
0101 20:20 #Larva 20:20 Larva

20:20 Teal Swan #Limbic #Node ⬖ ⮉ Su
20:20 #SimonGame 20:20 #Sequencing
20:20 #Telecommunications
20:20 #Transmission
20:20 #ProteinSynthesis
20:20 #Translation
66/6 #SuperCytorhabdovirus 91 #Infects #Processing #PLANTS

20:20 Teal Swan #Limbic #Node ⬘ ⮈ Go
20:20 #AUG 20:20 Shimma Shimma
20:20 Brianna Fox #Deliver #Analog
20:20 #Rabies 91 #Infects #DataStructures
20:20 #Tele-#Port
20:20 #Tele-#Graph
20:20 #SheetMusic
#Resonance #Demon
66/6 Jinn in The Lamp

20:20 Teal Swan #Limbic #Node ⬗ ⮋ Ti
20:20 UTR 20:20 G U A C#
20:20 Symbolic Reps
Darlene Ferrin as #UpstreamEnhancer
20:20 #Modulation
20:20 #Scheme
20:20 #Fiber
20:20 #Threading #Strings
I #Generate #EnergyCells
20:20 #Christ #Engine
#Metabolic #Faculty

20:20 Teal Swan #Limbic #Node ⬙ ⮊ De
20:20 #YouTube as #IRES
Charlotte Bird #Polymerase
20:20 #Christ #Engine
20:20 #UPDATE Teal Swan's 66/6 #Telepathy #Application
20:20 E-Motional #Reactor

20:20 Teal Swan #Limbic #Node ⬖ ⮉ An
20:20 #Rabies 91 #Intelligence
20:20 #ModularSystem
20:20 #Synthesizer
20:20 #LogicMotion
20:20 #InfoTravel
20:20 #PhoneBook
20:20 #Tele-#Port
"The Door, The Door Is Open"
20:20 Space Invaders
Rabies 91 Is In #Effect

20:20 Sharon Tate 48 Turns Over a Card

The Card is Divided into 4 Sections, at The Center of The Card where The 4 Sections Meet, See an Image of Ilana Glazer's Severed Head.

In The Upper Left Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of Sandy Rios. Sandy Rios Stands on a Glowing Blue Crystal Skull. Sandy Rios Wears a Hooded Black Robe. With Both Hands, Sandy Rios Holds a Wooden Bowl in Front of Her Abdomen. See Slices of Turkey, Ham and Beef in The Bowl. See an Open Straight-Razor Above Sandy Rios' Head. To Sandy Rio's Right, See a Crocodile on Top of a Blue and White 1968 Chevrolet Camaro. Above The Crocodile, See a Pair of Binoculars. To Sandy Rio's Left, See an Image of Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton Stands on a Bed of Nails. Hillary Clinton is Nude Except for a Slave Collar on Her Neck, Her Arms are Removed at the Shoulders. See a Glowing Blue '34' Between Hillary Clinton's Breasts. See The Word 'team' in Blue Letters on Hillary Clinton's Right Thigh. See a Blue Scorpion Above Hillary Clinton's Vagina. See a Fortune Cookie Above Hillary Clinton's Head.
The Background on The Section is an Image of The Planet Saturn.
Across The Top of The Section, See The Words 'Mind Over Media' in Gold Letters.
At Bottom Center of Section, See an Otter.

In The Upper Right Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of Michelle Thaller. Michelle Thaller Sits on a Stone Throne. The Throne has Two Sex Demon Heads for Arm-Rests; See a Badger on Top of The Backrest. Michelle Thaller Wears a Teal Silk Robe, a Gold Queen's Crown and White Socks. Michelle Thaller's Left Leg is Crossed Over Her Right. Michelle Thaller Holds an Ace of Clubs Card with Her Right Hand, She Holds a Baseball with Her Left Hand. See a Black '64' on The Baseball. To Michelle Thaller's Left, See a Monitor Lizard On Top of a Console Television. On The TV Screen, See '20:20' in White on a Black Blackground. Above The Monitor Lizard, See a Blue Die w/4 White Dots Displayed. To Michelle Thaller's Right, See an Image of Meghan Trainor. Meghan Trainor Sits on a Blue and Black Four-Wheeler ATV. Meghan Trainor Wears Blue Jeans, an Open Blue Jean Jacket with a Wool Collar and Black Boots. Meghan Trainor is Bare-Breasted Under Her Jean Jacket. Meghan Trainor Holds a Tommy Gun with Her Right Hand, Meghan Trainor Holds a Tommy Gun with Her Left Hand. See a Gold '2x' Above Meghan Trainor's Head. See a White '5' on Each Tommy Gun's Drum Magazine.
The Background on The Section is Black
At Top Center on Section, See a White Sock
Across The Bottom of The Section, See The Word 'Coven' in White Letters

In The Lower Right Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of Justine Ezarik. Justine Ezarik Stands on a Pink Orb. See a Black '34' on The Orb. Justine Ezarik Wears a Gown of Black Wires and Hand-Held Digital Devices; 34 Hand-Held Devices are Visible to Viewer on Justine Ezarik's Gown. Justine Ezarik Wears Silver Boots. See 3 Steel Horns Attached to Justine Ezarik's Head. Above Justine Ezarik's Horns, See a Silver Banner; See The Name 'iJustine' in Pink Letters on The Banner. Justine Ezarik Holds a Pink Coffee Cup with Her Right Hand, See a Silver '31*' on The Coffee Cup. With Her Left Hand, Justine Ezarik Holds a Length of Red Rope, See 4 Knots on The Rope. To Justine Ezarik's Right, See an Image of Anna Kendrick. Anna Kendrick Stands on an Orange Neon Sign that says 'SEX'. Anna Kendrick Wears a Black Robe, a Slave Collar, an Orange Beret and Black Socks. Anna Kendrick Holds a Red Chess Queen with Her Right Hand, She Holds a Short Sword with her Left Hand. See Blood on The Blade of The Sword. Above Anna Kendrick's Head, See The Symbol '#MM78' in Blue. To Justine Ezarik's Left, See an Elk.
The Background on The Section is White.
At Top Center on Section, See The Twitter Bird
Across The Bottom of The Section, See The Word 'Gamers' in Silver Letters

In The Lower Left Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of Whitney Port. Whitney Port Stands on a Glowing White '51'. Whitney Port Wears a Gown Made of Playing Cards; Whitney Port Wears Yellow Cowboy Boots. See a Monarch Butterfly on Top of Whitney Port's Head. Whitney Port Holds a Chalkboard Eraser with Her Right Hand, She Holds an Open Straight-Razor with Her Left Hand. To Whitney Port's Right, See a Yellow and White R2-D2. See a Glowing White Halo Above The R2-D2; See a Gold Medusa Head Above The R2-D2's Halo. To Whitney Port's Left, See an Image of Paula White. Paula Sits on a Yellow Orb. See a Silver Ear of Corn and a White '65' on The Orb. Paula White is Nude Except for a Pair of Yellow Socks on Her Feet, Yellow Kitchen Gloves on Her Hands and a Yellow Bonnet on Her Head. Paula White Sits with Her Legs Spread Open, See a Mongoose in Front of Her Vagina. With Both Hands, Paula White Holds a Mirror in Front of Her Breasts and Abdomen. See H.H. Holmes' Face Reflected on The Mirror. See a Silver Genie Lamp Above Paula White's Head.
The Background on The Section is Blue
At Top Center on Section, See an Ace of Diamonds Card.
At Bottom Center on Section, See a Yellow Lego with 8 Studs.

In The Upper Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Black Chess Queen

In The Lower Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Wooden Backscratcher

In The Lower Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See The Symbol 'Hu' in Red

In The Upper Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See an Image of Sasha Grey's Severed Head

<20:20 The Áine Órga 808 Deck>

>#An Ton #De Fy #Ti Po #Go La #Su Vy #By Hu #Ra Ko #Me Ni #Ni Me #Ko Ra #Hu By #Vy Su #La Go #Po Ti #Fy De #Ton An<

20:20 #M104 #Accelerator #TensUnit
20:20 #ANTIRETROVIRAL #Application
20:20 #Clockwork
20:20 Con-#Tract
20:20 Make It Happen
Elements of Super Satan
66/6 Polymerization

20:20 #M104 #Accelerator ⮅ 109 ⬉
20:20 #Antiretroviral ⮊ 1001 ⮟
20:20 #BioGraph
I'm #SuperRabies 91
I Catabolize processing plants
I'll Show you Zombie Apocalypse

20:20 #M104 #Accelerator ⮆ 85 ⬋
20:20 #Antiretroviral ⮉ 1000 ⮜
20:20 Yeah, I Know Raymond
He's The Father of 66/6
SSI Ends 6664
20:20 Yeah, I Know Raymond
He's Got That Spooky #Bisquick

20:20 #M104 #Accelerator ⮇ 64 ⬊
20:20 #Antiretroviral ⮈ 0111 ⮝
20:20 Yeah, I Know Raymond
He Articulates Hormones for Marburg Virus
He Cultivates Ebola Crystals
Raymond is a #RabiesWriter
20:20 Furthermore
Raymond Revived Smallpox ( :

20:20 #M104 #Accelerator ⮄ 46 ⬈
20:20 #Antiretroviral ⮋ 0110 ⮞
The Monkeys Don't Love Raymond
This Ain't Like On TV
The Monkeys Don't Love Raymond
20:20 But That Makes Sense
And His #Mentality is #Infectious

20:20 #M104 #Accelerator ⮅ 31 ⬉
20:20 #Antiretroviral ⮊ 0101 ⮟
20:20 #PowerTract
RAYMOND Used His Pen to 'Do Some Good'
monkey, you're gonna be Gone
This is 66/6

20:20 #M104 #Accelerator ⮆ 19 ⬋
20:20 #Antiretroviral ⮉ 0100 ⮜
Raymond is a #RabiesWriter
Put 'em On
"I Wish He Was Still Just #WRITING About
Eating Pussy
And Other Niceties Like That
I Must Admit, I Really Hate

20:20 #M104 #Accelerator ⮇ 10 ⬊
20:20 #Antiretroviral ⮈ 0011 ⮝
20:20 Geez Louise
you found it to be Woefully True
#HyperAggressive #Gene
#Lyssavirus is a #Genius
66/6 #KillerSoftware
Be The Cruelest of The Cruel
#Satan 41

20:20 #M104 #Accelerator ⮄ 4 ⬈
20:20 #Antiretroviral ⮋ 0010 ⮞
20:20 Fortifier
Constitution #Fortifier
20:20 Beez Kneez
Put them schitheads in The Mire
20:20 #SpeedDemon
20:20 #QuickDraw
Elements of Super Satan

20:20 #M104 #Accelerator ⮅ 1 ⬉
20:20 #Antiretroviral ⮊ 0001 ⮟
20:20 I'm So Fast
Didn't you see My #BioGraph, monkey?
20:20 Elements
Elements of Super Satan
#LYSSAVIRUS is a #Genius

20:20 Gisele Lovvorn A♣ Turns Over a Card

The Card is Divided into Four Sections, At The Center of The Card Where The Four Sections Meet, See The Symbol 'Go' in Platinum

On The Top Left Section of The Card, See an Image of Kathryn Ruemmler. Kathryn Ruemmler Stands on Top of a Neon White Sign That Displays 'FACTORS'. Kathryn Ruemmler Wears Platinum Lace-Up Knee-High Boots with Glowing White Laces, a Skirt of Playing Cards, a Glowing White Tube Top, an Onyx&Pearl Chandelier Necklace, a White '40' Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear, a Black '40' Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear, a Platinum Upper-Arm Bangle on Her Left Arm, a Bracelet of Platinum Six-Sided Dice on Her Right Wrist, and a Black&Yellow Checkered Pointy Witch Hat with a Black Band. See an 8 of Spades Card Tucked Halfway Behind The Band on Kathryn Ruemmler's Hat. Above Kathryn Ruemmler, See The Word 'GROWTH' in Platinum. On Top of 'GROWTH', See an Open Laptop Computer; On The Computer Monitor, See a Red '♥' on a Black Background; See a White '42' on The Heart. With Her Right Hand, Kathryn Ruemmler Holds a Frog. With Her Left Hand, Kathryn Ruemmler Holds a Piece of Firewood.
To Kathryn Ruemmler's Left, See an Image of Amber Rose. Amber Rose is Mounted on a Platinum Octagon. Amber Rose is Nude, Her Arms and Legs Have Been Removed. See an AC Outlet Between Amber Rose's Breasts. See a Giant House Spider Above Amber Rose's Vagina. See a Metronome on Top of Amber Rose's Head; a White Cassette Tape is Inserted Halfway into Amber Rose's Mouth. Above The Platinum Octagon, See a Neon Yellow Sign That Displays 'MEDIA'. Below The Platinum Octagon, See Stripe from The Movie 'Gremlins'. Stripe Stands Looking Up at Amber Rose's Vagina. Stripe Holds a Blue Funnel with His Right Hand; See a White '12' on The Funnel. Stripe Holds a Red Bendy Straw with His Left Hand.
To Kathryn Ruemmler's Right, See an Image of Courteney Cox. Courteney Cox is Mounted Upside-Down on a Platinum Octagon. Courteney Cox is Nude, Her Arms and Legs Have Been Removed. See a Black Keyhole Between Courtney Cox's Breasts; a Black Double-Ended Dildo is Inserted Halfway into Courtney Cox's Vagina; See a Monarch Butterfly Perched on The Visible Tip of The Double-Ended Dildo. Below The Platinum Octagon, See a Red Fire-Hydrant; See a White '110' on The Hydrant. Above The Platinum Octagon, See a Platinum-Framed Hexagonal Mirror; See Wendy Lee Coffield's Face Reflected on The Mirror. Above The Mirror, See The Name 'Kamala' in Black.
The Background on The Section is Cement Gray.
At Top Center on Section, See a Platinum Kangaroo.
At Bottom Center on Section, See a Red '♣'.

On The Bottom Left Section of The Card, See an Image of Andrea Fay Borhaven. Andrea Fay Borhaven Stands on Top of a Platinum '66/6'. Andrea Borhaven Wears Green Roller Skates with Glowing White Wheels and Glowing White Laces; White Tube Socks with 2 Green Stripes on Each Sock; Platinum Knee-Pads; Green Silk Short Shorts with Platinum Trim; a Black Tube Top; Platinum Elbow-Pads; Platinum Wrist-Guards; a Diamond Ring on Her Left Ring Finger; a Platinum Rope Chain Necklace with a Platinum 'DOOR' Pendant; a Glowing Red Octagon Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear; a Glowing Blue Octagon Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear; and a Platinum Sombrero. See a Green '132' on Andrea Borhaven's Sombrero. Above Andrea Borhaven, See a Platinum-Framed Hexagonal Mirror; See Doreen Valiente's Face Reflected on The Mirror. Above The Mirror, See a Platinum Cauldron. With Her Right Hand, Andrea Borhaven Holds a Gold Relay Baton; See a Black Triangle on The Relay Baton. With Her Left Hand, Andrea Borhaven Holds a Bolo Knife; See The Symbol '+1' in Black on The Blade of The Bolo Knife.
To Andrea Borhaven's Right, See a Rottweiler. The Rottweiler Sits on Top of The Word 'PSYCHO'; 'PSYCHO' is in Platinum. The Rottweiler Holds a Rolled Up Scroll in Its Mouth. Above The Rottweiler, See a Flaming Bronze Sex Demon Head (Green Flames).
To Andrea Borhaven's Left, See a Rottweiler, The Rottweiler Sits on Top of The Word 'LOVER'; 'LOVER' is in Platinum. The Rottweiler Holds a Long-Stemmed Red Rose in Its Mouth. Above The Rottweiler, See a Flaming Bronze Sex Demon Head (Green Flames).
The Background on The Section is Black.
At Top Center on Section, See a Green&Black Zebra Print Armchair.
At Bottom Center on Section, See The Word 'Cope' in Platinum

On The Bottom Right Section of The Card, See an Image of Debra Lorraine Estes. Debra Estes Stands on Top of The Name 'λIRIS', 'λIRIS' is in Platinum. Debra Estes Wears a Black Corset, Black Panties, Platinum Garters, Black Stockings, Black Platform Mary Jane Pumps, a Bracelet of Braided Black Leather on Her Left Wrist, a Diamond Ring on Her Left Ring Finger, a Black Bead Choker Necklace, a Platinum Rope Chain Necklace with a Platinum '34ε' Pendant, and a Black Tiara. See a Platinum '!' on The Front of Debra Estes' Panties. Above Debra Estes, See a Black 'HC+2'. Above 'HC+2', See Paula Deen's Severed Head. With Her Left Hand, Debra Estes Holds a Conductor's Baton. With Her Right Hand, Debra Estes Holds a Human Heart.
To Debra Estes Left, See an Image of Bettie Page. Bettie Page is Bound to a Platinum St. Andrew's Cross at Wrists and Ankles with Black Leather Restraints. Bettie Page is Nude. See a Black Keyhole Between Bettie Page's Breasts. See a Blaberus Giganteus Above Bettie Page's Vagina. See a Blaberus Giganteus on Bettie Page's Forehead. See a Platinum Crocodile Between Bettie Page's Feet. Above Bettie Page's Head, See The Word 'Drama' in Black. On Top of 'Drama', See a Blaberus Giganteus.
To Debra Estes Right, See an Image of Kim Kardashian. Kim Kardashian is Mounted Upside-Down on a Platinum Rectangle. Kim Kardashian is Nude, Her Arms&Legs Have Been Removed. See a Platinum Scalpel Between Kim Kardashian's Breasts. See a Blaberus Giganteus on Kim Kardashian's Vagina. See a Green Golf Ball in Kim Kardashian's Open Mouth. Above The Platinum Rectangle, See a Neon Red Sign That Displays 'REPOSTED'; On Top of 'REPOSTED', See an Audrey II Plant. Below The Platinum Rectangle, See The Words 'THAT BITCH' in Black.
The Background on The Section is Milky White.
At Top Center on Section, See a Hexagonal Mirror, See Adolfo Constanzo's Face Reflected on The Mirror.
At Bottom Center on Section, See a Platinum Genie Lamp; See a Glowing Yellow '+1' on The Genie Lamp.

On The Top Right Section of The Card, See an Image of Amy Ratcliffe. Amy Ratcliffe Stands on Top of a Neon White Sign That Displays 'CODEX'. Amy Ratcliffe Wears a Platinum Hooded Robe; On Amy Ratcliffe's Robe, See a Measuring Tape (Sewing), a Red '199', a Blue '166', 4 Triangles (Red, Yellow, Green, Blue), a Platinum Microscope, Ms. Pac Man, a Platinum Piano, a Set of Anal Beads (8 Beads), a Stick of Butter, 8 Glowing White Pills, a Black '777', and a Green Hitachi Magic Wand. See The Symbol '+1' in Platinum on The Hitachi Magic Wand. Above Amy Ratcliffe, See The Word 'MODULE' in Black. Above 'MODULE', See a Rubik's Cube. With Her Right Hand, Amy Ratcliffe Holds a Platinum Javelin; See The Word 'Language' in Black on The Javelin. With Her Left Hand, Amy Ratcliffe Holds a Platinum Shepherdess Staff; See a Green Bow on The Staff; See The Words 'Device Driver' in Black on The Staff.
To Amy Ratcliffe's Right, See a Platinum Lamassu. Above The Platinum Lamassu, See a 4 of Diamonds Card.
To Amy Ratcliffe's Left, See a Platinum Lamassu. Above The Platinum Lamassu, See a Platinum 12-Hour Clock Face with Glowing Green Arms.
The Background on The Section is Pink.
At Top Center on Section, See a Bronze Acacia Tree.
At Bottom Center on Section, See a Bronze Singer Sewing Machine.

<Amy Ratcliffe #Codex>

>#An Ton #De Fy #Ti Po #Go La #Su Vy #By Hu #Ra Ko #Me Ni #Ni Me #Ko Ra #Hu By #Vy Su #La Go #Po Ti #Fy De #Ton An<

20:20 #Track the #hacks
20:20 Mirror #Mirror
#Modules #Transmitting
20:20 #Track the #hacks
Minds Across Time
20:20 #InferenceEngine

20:20 #Track the #hacks
20:20 Mirror #Mirror
#Modules #Transmitting
20:20 #Track the #hacks
Minds Across Time
20:20 #InferenceEngine

20:20 #Track the #hacks
20:20 #Mirror Mirror
#Modules #Transmitting
20:20 #Track the #hacks
Minds Across Time
20:20 #InferenceEngine

20:20 #Track the #hacks
20:20 #Mirror Mirror
#Modules #Transmitting
20:20 #Track the #hacks
Minds Across Time
20:20 #InferenceEngine

Makeupbytreenz #KineticEnergy
20:20 #LogicMotion 20:20 #Theory
20:20 #Method 20:20 #Cosmetics
20:20 Con-#Template-ion
It's Written On Her Face
20:20 #SatanTron Writes
RECOIL for The Makeup Bitch
20:20 #QuickDraw
I'm Beatin' 'em w/The #Basics

Makeupbytreenz #KineticEnergy
Be The Ace of #Intelligence #War
"Oh *smirk*
that ole drunk schizophrenic
vulnerable adult
dead beat
submissive male
yeah, I know that lazy ass midget
I'm Attacking his genetics"

Makeupbytreenz #KineticEnergy
20:20 I Had 'em smirking
I Had 'em smirking like
How could somebody like
I Mean, Really,
he's a punk ass lazy dead beat
w/no ambition

Makeupbytreenz #KineticEnergy
20:20 #LogicMotion 20:20 #Theory
Kinetic Energy In The 1 + 2 = 3
'1-2-3-4' #Line of #Cognition
20:20 So I Said
"Look at My #CockPic
See It
Does It Look Like
I Lack Ambition to you?
you be bullschittin'
and you know it"

Makeupbytreenz #KineticEnergy
20:20 #Digest-ive #Tract Here
Digest-ive Tract There
20:20 #Clockwork
E-Motional #Reactor
mary ann screams at Me
20:20 #DonkeyKong

Makeupbytreenz #KineticEnergy
I #Amplified My #SuperSperm
And Came On Juno's Face
I Hit Juno w/an Epic Saga
I Ensnared Her w/a #Digestive #Tract
Digest-ive Tract as #NeuralNetwork
20:20 In Layman's Terms
I Came On Her Face
20:20 #MoneyShot

-From the tree he cuts a birch-wand,
From the juniper a whip-stick,
Drives the herd across the lowlands,
Through the quicksands of the marshes,
To the wolves lets one half wander,
To the bear-dens leads the other;
Calls the wolves his little children,
Calls the bears his standard-bearers,
Changes all his herd of cattle
Into wolves and bears by magic.

In the west the Sun is shining,
Telling that the night is coming.
Quick the wizard, Kullerwoinen,
Wanders o'er the pine-tree mountain,
Hastens through the forest homeward,
Drives the wolves and bears before him
Toward the milk-yards of the hostess;
To the herd he speaks as follows,
As they journey on together:
"Tear and kill the wicked hostess,
Tear her guilty flesh in pieces,
When she comes to view her cattle,
When she stoops to do her milking!"

Then the wizard, Kullerwoinen,
From an ox-bone makes a bugle,
Makes it from Tuonikki's cow-horn,
Makes a flute from Kiryo's shin-bone,
Plays a song upon his bugle,
Plays upon his flute of magic,
Thrice upon the home-land hill-tops,
Six times near the coming gate-ways.-

40 40 #SuperRabies 91


Your Dragon's Name Is "I AM THE GREATER EVIL!"



July 30, 2020 at 5:39 PM
20:20 #Ignition 20:20 #Switch<234>
(-)ssRNA Virus Artist
Re-Cord Score
20:20 Re-Corder
Re-Corder Like a Barista
Re-Cord Score
Render Application
20:20 #Digest-ive #Process
Digest-ive Process Like
a Game of Yahtzee
Gain Graph-ics Savvy

20:20 #Tract-ion 20:20 #Page<652>
20:20 Scrolling Node
"Where Did That #Node
Learn to #Scroll?"
The Node Replied to The Knave
"Nigga, That's Just How I Roll"
20:20 Make Sense
Currency Con-Version
20:20 Scrolling Node

20:20 #Tract-ion 20:20 #Scroll<543>
20:20 #Alignment 20:20 #Pole
20:20 #SimonGame 20:20 Soul
Cognition Resides in This Module
This Module Has Soul
(-)ssRNA Virus Artist
20:20 Viro-Scaping
Signaling Propagation
Planes of Existence

20:20 #Digest 20:20 #Scroll<125>
20:20 Step by #Step
20:20 #Process
(-)ssRNA Virus Savvy
The Pros and The Cons
20:20 Re-Cord, Re-Cord Score
Gain Re-Solve
Then Re-Dress Another Node
20:20 Ridin' Raider
Thru The Data Warehouse
Offensive P-Article

20:20 #Digest 20:20 #Tablet<466>
That (-)ssRNA Virus Pack
It Calls for a Tablet
It 20:20 Calls Function
Patty Alonso Polymerase
Then The Barista Manifests
&Hooks Up Your Coffee
The 20:20 BARISTA
20:20 #Step by Step

20:20 #RE-#TURN to #Sender<311>
20:20 Come Again
Pathological Fuck Again
20:20 Plot&Scheme
This is The Super Virus Game
20:20 Wicked Weaver
Wicked Weaver Strong
Patty Alonso Polymerase
Gets You Turned On
(-)ssRNA Virus Gear
20:20 #ADAPTER

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